3/13まで会期延長![国際公募AIRプログラム成果報告・展示] 50 QUESTIONS Joshua Sofaer_the final presentation of AIR program

ArtistEventNews 2022年2月28日

50の質問 50 QUESTIONS 

 ジョシュア・ソファーは、これまで観客を巻き込んだ参加型のアート作品を多数発表し、注目を集めてきました。彼の作品の多くは、参加者に驚きや喜びを与え、同時に参加者が単なる作品の一部になるのではなく、独自性や創造性を発揮し、一人の人間として作品の主人公になるような特徴をもっています。アーティストという特権に疑義を投げかけ、多様である人間をそのまま肯定すること。今回、さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオで新作として発表された「50 Questions」もそういった作品群に連なるものと言えるでしょう。

 参加者たちはみな札幌オリンピック開催年である1972年に生を享け、2022年に50歳を迎えた方です(実はジョシュア・ソファー自身がその年の生まれです)。彼らが時間制限のある中で50の質問に次々と答えていきます。質問は些細なものから、思わず考え込んでしまうものまで様々です。実際の回答はもちろんですが、質問に対する反応や表情までが映像に定着しています。その微妙な肌理や雰囲気が、この作品を極めて豊かなものにしています。この豊かさは、強い言葉やわかりやすい情報が価値を持ち、行動を制約し、分断を招いてしまう現代において、鋭いアンチテーゼを示していると言えないでしょうか。50の機械的な質問によって、カメラアイによって、上映によって、逆説的に肯定されているのは、人間がもつ複雑さと多様性そのものなのです。遠藤 水城(キュレーター)

Joshua Sofaer attracts people’s attention by means of various participatory artworks that also involve the audience. Many of his artworks surprise and delight the participants because of their characteristics whereby the participants are not only forming part of the work but each become the protagonist of the work itself, as human beings who maintain their own individual originality and creativity. It is as if the artist is casting doubt on the directing role assumed by artists and instead, engages with the diversity of people just the way they are. “50 Questions”, his new artwork presented at SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO, is from a series of such artworks. All the participants were born in 1972, the year of the Sapporo Winter Olympics, and they turn 50 in 2022 (Joshua Sofaer was also born that year).  Within a restricted time frame, they answer 50 questions one after another. The questions have a broad range – from the very trivial to profound questions that require time to answer. Not only the actual answers, but also the physical reactions, in particular the facial expressions, are deliberately registered in the video. The delicate texture and the atmosphere make this work extremely rich. This quality is an antithesis to the present age whereby assertive words and superficial information are dominant leading people to narrow their range of expression thus curtailing their behaviour leading to misunderstanding and division. By screening 50 mechanical questions alongside the particular view set by the camera eyes, what is paradoxically affirmed here is the complexity and diversity of human beings.

— Mizuki Endo (curator)

ジョシュア・ソファー Joshua Sofaer(国際公募AIRプログラム2021招聘アーティスト)





廣野 聡美 Satomi Hirono、菱野 史彦 Fumihiko Hishino、河崎 ゆかりYukari Kawasaki、北住 由紀 Yuki Kitazumi、中島 崇 Takashi Nakajima、水戸 麻記子 Makiko Mito、八坂 千景 Chikage Yasaka

プロジェクト「50 QUESTIONS」についてEnglish follows Japanese text








「50 Questions」は、文字通り、アーティストと参加者を(お互いの)家に招き入れ、世界的な流行病による渡航制限によって強制される必要な距離を、思いがけない個人的な交流の機会としているのです。私たちは今、以前よりもずっと多くの時間を家で過ごすようになりました。これは、文化交流や人脈作りの可能性です。

50歳」は一つの節目であると同時に、人生の、それも成人した人生の、ちょうど中間点です。1972年に英国で生まれた人の平均寿命は、男性が85歳、女性が88歳で、平均寿命は86.5歳[Office for National Statistics(国家統計局)]。2022年に50歳になる人は、あと平均36.5年生きられることになります。人は13歳半という思春期に自己を確立すると考えると、50歳は自己の確立と死のちょうど中間地点にあたるのです。50歳は、振り返りと前進を同時に行うターニングポイントであり、反省点なのです。(V.3|2022年01月04日)



A remote residency between London and Sapporo for Tenjinyama

Joshua Sofaer 

 Born in 1972?

We want to hear from you!

 British artist Joshua Sofaer will turn 50 on 1st August 2022. As part of his remote residency with Tenjinyama in 2021 he wanted to interact with other people born in 1972. Does the common birth year, and the immanent moment of turning half a century, count for anything? What are the commonalities and differences for people turning 50?

 Answering a series of 50 questions, people who responded to Tenjinyama’s open call for ‘1972s’ reflect on 50 years of life. They are recorded on a Zoom call from their own homes, reaching across closed borders.

 Respondents are paired up randomly and synchronised in a video projection. You can witness different responses to the same questions simultaneously.

 50 Questions literally puts the artist and participants in (each other’s) residence, taking the necessary distance enforced by global pandemic travel restrictions as an opportunity for unexpected personal interaction. We spend so much more time at home now, than we ever did before. This is a possibility to build cultural exchange and make connections.

‘50 years old’ is a milestone but also just the midway point in a life, certainly in an adult life. The life expectancy of someone born in the UK in 1972 is 85 for men and 88 for women, giving an average life expectancy of 86.5 years [Office for National Statistics]. A person who turns 50 in 2022 will therefore have an average of 36.5 more years to live. If one considers that a person forms their sense of self during adolescence, say at 13.5 years old, then 50 marks exactly the halfway point between the establishment of that sense of self, and death. Becoming 50 is a turning point, a point of reflection, of looking back and looking forward, simultaneously. (v.3 | January 04 2022)



ジョシュア・ソファー Joshua Sofaer プロフィール(日本語・英語)
ジョシュア・ソファー Joshua Sofaer ウエブサイト
ジョシュア・ソファー Joshua Sofaerによるプロジェクト紹介&1972年生まれを募集するビデオ






50 QUESTIONSに参加いただいた1972年生まれの7名の方、有馬 真作 Shinsaku Arima、ハマオ HAMAO、五十嵐 千夏 Chinatsu Igarashi、川島 康史 Yasushi Kawashima、来島 路子 Michiko Kurushima、関根 ちあみ Chiami Sekine、真砂 雅善 Masayoshi Masago、宮路 雅行 Miyaji Masayuki、宇流 奈未 Nami Uryu

プログラム伴走者:遠藤 水城 Mizuki Endo/キュレーター

主催:札幌市、さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ、一般社団法人 AISプランニング



国際公募AIRプログラム ジョシュア・ソファープログラム成果報告展について

2022 began accompanied by the heavy snow. Unlike previous years, it is not the powdery kind stacked on the ground right now. It is the snow that’s wet and heavy. This has been changing the form of snow scape at a glance, into the one with more rotundity. We’re also about to have the result show by Joshua Sofaer, an invited artist for this year’s online residency programme.
Every year, it’s been our routine to hold result shows and the related events at the end of the programme. Our intention there has been to provide the environment where artists can maintain one’s appropriate concentration through the running period. Two years in, the online programme let me realize such intention is not especially required for Artist in Residence (AIR). It’s my feeling that AIR, from now, could be managed with less hurry than ever, as we follow comprehensively the artists progressing forward from A to B. It can be called an qualitative change that’s astounding — like the powdery snow turned into the heavy, rotund one!
Dates for the result show were determined following the calendar for the Winter Olympics in Sapporo, which had been February 3rd to 13th, 1972. The year 2022 marks 50 years since Sapporo, for 10 days, made international headlines.  Mami Odai, AIR Director