同時期滞在日本AIRプログラム 大﨑土夢 制作レポート③ 〜仮説について〜 / Domestic Open Call 2021 Artist Tomu Osaki – Progress Report #3

ActivityArtist 2021年11月10日

[*English follows]







1866年 手宮洞窟の発見(小樽市)
1903年 橋口文蔵死去
1904年 青木繁《海の幸》制作
1907年 青木繁《わだつみのいろこの宮》制作
1910年 四十三山(明治新山)、噴火活動によって形成
1911年 青木繁死去

1908年 九州放浪をやめ、再度東京へ
1909年 病が落ち着き始める
1910年 黒田清輝の勧めにより北海道へ
1910年 小樽経由で壮瞥町の紫明苑へ。ニシン漁を目撃
1910年 四十三山(明治新山)、隆起に遭遇
1910年 壮瞥町滞在中に洞爺湖へ
1910年-11年 紫明苑をアトリエとして制作を行う



Tomu Osaki’s result show ‘The Smells Like Ellipse’ is starting this weekend.

The project in other words has been “the travel to look for the gaze of Shigeru Aoki”.

Here, we are revisiting Osaki’s hypothesis built as a core of it.



Shigeru Aoki, with his keen interests in wave-hitting seashores and mythologies, yearning for the ancient times,

talked to his former teacher Seiki Kuroda about his aspiration toward Hokkaido, the land in which many of the subject of his interest existed.

Given his former student’s aspiration and expectation for the student’s works in progress, Kuroda decided to take good care of Aoki, and to help one’s travel to Hokkaido.

Thanks to the frequent visit to Hokkaido in the past, in connection with Kuroda’s step-brother Bunzo Hashiguchi, no significant obstacle held Aoki’s travel plan from being realized.

Although Hashiguchi, former chief at a sugar refinery in Monbetsu, Hokkaido, had built his own farming barn Shimei-en following the opening of his farm in Soubetsu in 1887, it was after his death in 1903 that Aoki was planning his travel. Given the management concerns on the barn, past its original owner’s death, Kuroda eventually suggested him to reuse it as his studio.

Otaru was chosen by Kuroda for the contact location. It was the teacher’s speculation that on his way from Otaru to Soubetsu, where Shime-en belonged, Aoki should find not a few motifs for his new works. The student agreed to this idea and finally, his travel was stamped official.

Aoki stayed in and around Otaru for quite a while. Its high-spirited landscapes, built upon the area’s herring fishing in its heyday, was a great inspiration for the painter.

To witness the subjects of spread reputations, he also toured around the Temiya Cave for its cave curving, the Ebisu Rocks, the Daikoku Rocks, and the Candle Rocks.

In 1910, just having arrived at Shimei-en, he even encountered the formation of mount Shinzan (which was renamed later as Meiji Shinzan and came to be known as Yosomi-yama).

Lake Toya was frequently his destination for a casual walk, located close to his barn-studio.

Aoki’s physical frailty during his Soubetsu years was relatively tranquilized compared to his usual condition, thanks to the spa treatment made possible there, and that nurtured his spirited aspirations for the further painting work.


Historical Timeline

1866  The discovery of the Temiya Cave (in Otaru)

1903  Bunzo Hashiguchi passes away

1904  Shigeru Aoki works on ‘Fruits of the Sea’

1907  Shigeru Aoki works on ‘Paradise Under the Sea

1910  The volcanic reclamation of Yosomi-yama (Meiji Shinzan)

1911  Shigeru Aoki passes away


Hypothetical Timeline of Shigeru Aoki

1908  Retires from Kyushu strolling and revisits Tokyo

1909  One’s physical frailty comes to be tranquilized

1910  Travels to Hokkaido according to the recommendation by Seiki Kuroda

1910  Gets to Shimei-en via Otaru. Witnesses the herring fishing.

1910  Visits lake Toya during his stay in Soubetsu.

1910-1911  Works on his paintings in his barn-studio, former Shime-en