Let’s Make Cows Flyプロジェクトの予告展示 /島袋道浩 SHIMABUKU Pre-exhibition “Let’s Make Cows Fly Project” by SHIMABUKU

ArtistEventNews 2022年7月14日

*English follows Japanese.


札幌でアーティストはなにをしたpart2として、展示スペースでは美術家 島袋道浩さんが北海道で実現しようとしているプロジェクトの紹介をしています。

会期:2022年7月9日(土)-8月中旬(次回の展示がはじまるまで) ※8月3日(水)で終了いたしました。

   9:00-21:00 *休館日は休廊



島袋さんがリヨンビエンナーレにパフォーマンス作品として参加したとき(2017.09.16 @Grand Parc Miribel Jonage) に、フランスの凧職人のかたとコラボレーションして制作されました。展示スペースには、パフォーマンスのドキュメント映像作品を上映していますので、その当時のフランスでの雰囲気を想像してもらうことができます。









As the second part of “AIR Archive Exhibition: What did the Artists do in Sapporo?,” Tenjinyama’s exhibition room is holding introductory show of the new project by artist SHIMABUKU. The project is planned to be done in Hokkaido.

Open: July 9th – Mid August, 2022, 9:00-21:00 (Closed on Mondays)


Three cows occupying the exhibition space are actually kites.

They were created in collaboration with French kite artists for SHIMABUKU’s performance work proposed at Lyon Biennale (Sept 16th, 2017, at Grand Parc Miribel Jonage). The documentation video of the performance is on view at the exhibition space.

After the Lyon exhibition, the kites were sent directly to Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio. It was SHIMABUKU’s idea to fly them at the pasture in Hokkaido.

Given that, in cooperation with this pasture by the lake Saroma, we made a plan to actually fly them. But then the plan was postponed the last minute due to the travel restriction within the prefecture, to somewhere 2022. The artist stayed at Tenjinyama in June, to try at pastures in Asahikawa and Biei, but it ended up to be a failure –again– for no wind and difficult weather. In this August is going to be our next attempt.

Imagine these cows flying in the broad sky of August. At this moment they’re awkwardly pushed into the small room, but in the summer sky of Hokkaido… What does it make you feel to imagine the landscape?

*Artist books and other documentations by/about SHIMABUKU are also on view at the exhibition space.