Exhibition_ディアナ・ボネット・ハバコーン/Diana Bonet Haberkorn_ ときをゆらす/SWAYING TIME

ArtistEvent 2024年7月17日

■ ディアナ・ボネット・ハバコーン/Diana Bonet Haberkorn

■ 会期:2024年7月20日(土)-21日(日)9:00-21:00

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会「ときをゆらす/SWAYING TIME」について




There’s a Japanese word that cannot be translated, “komorebi”, meaning sunlight that filters through leaves of the trees. 

This installation is built from the tracking of komorebi over 15 days, at 10 in the morning, always in the same spot. Through this process, I recorded my presence at that moment linked to the swaying patterns of komorebi. These patterns were drawn and subsequently cut out on shoji, with the intention of connecting my personal experience with the culture, nature and materials of Japan.

In this way, the passage of my personal time in Japan is shown, constructing a new final and unique pattern from the various registrations obtained throughout the days. Thus, I share my personal experience of those moments, which were my present and are now shown as the past.

■ アーティストについて

Diana Bonet Haberkorn/ディアナ・ボネット・ハバコーン(美術)活動拠点スペイン

