Exhibition_雪舞い / Snow dance_ミシェル・ウノー / Michel Huneault

Event 2024年4月11日

Winter tree, 2024

■ アーティスト:ミシェル・ウノー / Michel Huneault

■ 会期:2024年4月5日(金)6日(土)7日(日)、12日(金)13日(土)14日(日)

    11:00-19:00 *会期中の金曜日を含む週末のみの開催となります。

    オープニングイベント4月5日(金) 18:00~ アーティストトークなど

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会「雪舞い / Snow dance」について


How to capture the elusive winter, real or imagined, how it sways with our perceptions and triggers our sensory memories? Like an open laboratory, the exhibition puts in relation different mediums used and documents created by the artist during his stay at Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio including photography, video, volumetric recording, and written accounts.

■ アーティストについて





「雪舞い / Snow dance」では、私が札幌の冬に感じた相互作用をリサーチし、ドキュメンタリー的でありながら叙情的、実験的、さらには遊び心に満ちた冬らしさのカプセルを組み立て、考察し、交流し、未来へと伝えていく。


The first time I stepped off the train in Hokkaido, I was engulfed by sensations reminiscent of early spring from my life in Canada. The bright light, the fresh breeze, and the smell of crisp white snow propelled me back to my youth. I recalled following my father through a white-covered forest on my grandmother’s plot of land, walking in silence so as not to scare the animals we hoped to observe. I can still feel the contrast of the heat from the small bonfire we started to grill ham sandwiches we brought, with my dad sharing tea from his beat-up thermos.

In such moments of instant nostalgia and lightness, my own memories and emotions become entangled, mixing and waltzing freely with fictions, art history, and myths about winter. How could they not? In ‘Yukimai’, I research this interplay in Sapporo and assemble documentary—yet lyrical, experimental, and even playful—winterness capsules to contemplate, to interact with, and to pass forward.

Carrying their own wintry narratives, I invite the public to experience the work, completing in essence the installation by their presence and interpretation. With an innate sense of urgency in the face of a warming planet, I will continue to develop this work in other locations in the coming years.

Michel Huneault would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts for supporting this residency time and work.




Q: あなたの心に最も深く、強く残っている冬の思い出を教えてください。



We need your memories;

Winter memories – Sapporo – by artist Michel Huneault (Canada)
As part of research, and for potential inclusion in the installation, the public is invited to contribute personal histories on winter. All testimonies will remain anonymous and no private data is collected.

What winter memory lingers most often in your mind?

You can participate and provide your answer online here :