Exhibition_根性 / Konjō_ アラナ・ウェスレイ / Alana Wesley

Event 2024年5月20日

■ アーティスト:アラナ・ウェスレイ / Alana Wesley

■ 会期:2024年5月25日(土)-26日(日)9:00-21:00

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会「根性 / Konjō」について

根性 Konjō*は、現在も発展中(試行錯誤中)の社会参加型プロジェクトです。ビデオと彫刻を含むこのプロジェクトは、日本の野球の文化的特質を探求し、その中でも特に、野球を独特なものにしている迷信に焦点を当てています。




スポーツ用品店に勤務する人も、熱狂的な日本ハムファイターズファンも、『根性 / Konjō』プロジェクトの参加者は、日本の野球観戦の裏にある実用的かつ神秘的な儀式に関する質問をアーティストから受けました。インタビューに答えてくれた人たちは、ユニークな応援の仕方、斬新な球場グルメ、試合前後のウォーミングアップ、さらには「大佐の呪い」やイチローが毎日カレーライスを食べる習慣についてまで語り合うことになりました。



Konjo* is a socially engaged project that is still in development. Inclusive of video and sculpture, this project explores the cultural idiosyncrasies of Japanese baseball, with a particular focus upon the superstitions that make the game so unique.
It is necessary to establish that baseball in Japan is BIG. Japan was first introduced to baseball 152 years ago during the Meiji restoration era by Horace Wilson. Hiraoka Hiroshi famously brought baseball gear and guidebooks to Japan in 1877 after visiting the States, and formed Japan’s first organised baseball club.
Whilst Hiroshi did this nationally, it was Dr William Clark and Professor David Penhallow who first promoted the game here in Sapporo, coaching students and gifting bats and balls to the Hokkaido University campus (then an agricultural college) in 1877. Ultimately, the first Hokkaido based baseball club was formed on this campus in 1901.

Today, baseball is officially deemed Japan’s most popular sport. The game- both in Sapporo and beyond- continues to attract new supporters and birth new traditions. In a broader sense, baseball promotes teamanship, young talent in the field, and arguably grants the nation with a sense of self-definition.

This project puts Sapporo residents who have, in some way, been affected by baseball at the forefront. Be they a merchant of a sporting goods store or a die-hard Nippon-Ham Fighters fan, participants of Konjo were asked about the practical and mystical rituals behind Japanese baseball games. Interviewees discussed unique cheering behaviours, novelty ballpark foods, go-to pre and post game warm ups, even the Curse of the Colonel and Ichiro’s habit of eating curry rice everyday. All these questions in an attempt to answer one important question: are the Japanese baseball gods real?

*Japanese word for ‘grit’ or ‘tenacity’

■ アーティストについて

アラナ・ウェスレイ / Alana Wesley
美術、活動拠点 オーストラリア
