Exhibition_マヒュー・バヤット/Machiel Beijaert​ &スワンチャ・クーパスホーク/Zwaantje Kurpershoek_ 物体が私たちをどうあやつるか/How the object plays us

ArtistEvent 2024年7月24日

■ マヒュー・バヤット/Machiel Beijaert​ &スワンチャ・クーパスホーク/Zwaantje Kurpershoek


■ 会期:2024年7月26日(金)-27日(土)9:00-21:00

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会「物体が私たちをどうあやつるか」について



Intertwined Matter
The meaning of “Object” can be different depending on the language. In English, an object can be living as well as inanimate. In Japanese, an Object is an inanimate thing, while living objects are called differently. Every object that exists is formed and bonded by multiple different molecules. Everything in the world is built out of these same materials. We, as humans, also choose to take part in the bonding and un-bonding, between us and other objects. When and how do we decide to be together, physically or mentally? Through the ritual of cleaning or taking care of an object, a bond can grow. Can objects still be connected even though they are physically far away and can this presence be felt by others?




ペインティングと同時に展示しているのは、「Tom Nook(トム・ヌック)」と題された木製の彫刻である。この彫刻は、2次元と3次元の両方の側面を同時に暗示し、次元と戯れている。ビデオゲームの「どうぶつの森」では、トム・ヌックは「あなたの島」の管理人である。ゲームを始めるには、プレイヤーはトム・ヌックから借金をしなければならない。

During my residency at Tenjinyama Studio, I created a series of paintings on wood that combine the vibrant interiors of the video game ‘Animal Crossing’ with drawings of real-life storage spaces in Japan.

In ‘Animal Crossing’ players collect, display, and manage items with a sense of care and personalization. This virtual curation contrasts with the reality of stored belongings in garages, gardens, and storage rooms, where items are often kept out of necessity or sentimentality. By literally layering these two worlds atop each other, the paintings explore how we interact with objects in both virtual and physical spaces.

Alongside the paintings, there is a wooden sculpture titled ‘Tom Nook’. The sculpture plays with dimensions, suggesting both two- and three-dimensional aspects simultaneously. In the game ‘Animal Crossing’, Tom Nook is the manager of “your island”. To begin the game, players must take a loan from Tom Nook, which allows them to live on the island.

■ アーティストについて

Zwaantje  Kurpershoek & Machiel Beijaert/スワンチャ・クーパスホーク&マヒュー・バヤット(美術)活動拠点 オランダ

