Exhibition _ナオミ シンタニ ダイベル/Naomi Shintani Deibel_ハーブハウス/The Herbhouse

ArtistEvent 2024年9月23日

■タイトル:ハーブハウス/The Herbhouse

■アーティスト:ナオミ シンタニ ダイベル/Naomi Shintani Deibel

■ 会期:2024年9月27日(金)、28日(土)9:00-21:00

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 和室 

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会について





「ハーブハウス」と題された私の展覧会は、この家の豊かな歴史と、壁の中に残る生活の痕跡を掘り下げるものです。If Walls Could Speak(壁が語ることができたなら)というコンセプトを通して、私はこの家が長い時間をかけて静かに守ってきた物語、記憶、痕跡を探ります。これらの壁は、この家での集い、日常生活、世代交代を目撃してきました。



Welcome to The Herbhouse!

Growing up in Germany with a Japanese mother from Sapporo, 

I have always felt a deep connection to the city. 

Every summer, we visited my grandmother’s house—a former hospital that,

for a time, was an Aroma and Herbhouse. 

This summer, the house faces an uncertain future. 

Will it be demolished? Preserved? 

Or will something new emerge? 


One thing remains certain: this house holds countless memories.

The exhibition, titled The Herbhouse, delves into the rich history of this home and the traces of life that linger within its walls. 

Through the concept If Walls Could Speak, I explore the stories, memories, and imprints the house has silently preserved over time. 

These walls have witnessed gatherings, everyday life, and the passing of generations.


During my residency at Tenjinyama Art Studios, I have been using a handheld scanner to digitize the walls and floors of the house, archiving its space and history. 


The resulting digital images, often featuring glitches, highlight subtle traces and marks left behind—visual echoes of the past, like fragments of fading memories.

This archival material will form the basis of a floor installation, mirroring the house’s floor plan. By walking through this recreated space, visitors are invited to engage with the delicate interplay of memory, place, and time.


Naomi Shintani Deibel/ナオミ シンタニ ダイベル(美術)活動拠点オーストリア