Exhibition_リッキー ドーンボス&ラム マンホン/Ricky Doornbos & Lam Man Hong_アウトサイド・ザ・フレーム/Outside the Frame

ArtistEvent 2024年8月14日


■ リッキー ドーンボス&ラム マンホン/Ricky Doornbos & Lam Man Hong

■ 会期:2024年8月14日(水)-16日(金)9:00-21:00

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会について




『 戦争の記憶は、どのようにして人々の想像力と大衆文化の中で、トラウマ的な体験から娯楽へと変容していくのだろうか?そして、作り手の本来の意図と観客の解釈の狭間で、新たな物語はどのように生まれるのだろうか?』






Outside the Frame


Outside the Frame is a research project in three exhibitions by artists ManHong Lam and Ricky Doornbos, inspired by content tourism.


Content tourism refers to the phenomenon where tourists travel to locations associated with specific media content, such as films, TV series, books, or video games. This type of tourism includes visiting both real places depicted in media and locations that represent historical or fictional worlds. Beyond the desire to experience the atmosphere of their favorite stories in real life, content tourism raises intriguing questions: How do memories of war transform from traumatic experiences into forms of entertainment in the public imagination and popular culture? And how do new narratives emerge in the space between the creators’ original intentions and the audience’s interpretations?


The title Outside the Frame refers to a statement by filmmaker Errol Morris about the nature of photography:

“Every photograph has an elephant just outside the frame. This is the nature of photography; it reveals and conceals at the same time. What’s not in the photograph is as important as what is.”

■ アーティストについて

Ricky Doornbos/リッキードーンボス(美術):活動拠点 オランダ


ラム マンホン/ Lam Man Hong (美術):活動拠点 オランダ