White Letters 交換AIRプログラム Barim(光州、韓国)| White Letters: Exchange Programme with Barim (Gwangju, South Korea)

ActivityArtistNews 2021年1月20日

Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio started an exchange programme with Barim (Gwangju, South Korea) back in the term 2019-2020, and this is our 2nd year of collaboration. With unexpected yet considerable effects by the global pandemic, we have decided to develop our programme into an online residency and continue our partnership. Shifting the entire process online, our discussion with Min-hyung Kang from Barim followed the guide our theme ‘It’s Rather Difficult to Reach Places’ had indicated. At the end of the discussion, we decided to hold the open call  ‘white letters’, where applicants are expected to follow the entire process of our arguments to build their proposal. Among fifty applicants living and working in South Korea, our programme finally decided to invite the two artists we are proud to share with our community.

2019年度にスタートした、韓国光州市を拠点におくBarimとの交換プログラム2年目となります。一年前には予想すらしなかった世界パンデミックで、私たちの交換プログラムも計画もオンラインのレジデンスへと変化させて継続していくことを決めました。2020年度の招聘型AIRプログラムのテーマである「なかなかたどりつかないけど」をきっかけに、BarimのMin-hyung Kangさんと対話を重ね、そのプロセスごと提示したプレ・レジデンシー”white letters”のアーティスト公募を試みました。韓国拠点アーティストから50件の応募が集まり、その中から2名のアーティストを選出しました。

ジョン・ユジン 정유진 Jung Eugene

バン・ジェハ 반재하 Ban Jaeha

Duration: January 15th, 2021 – March 15th, 2021 (60 days) 

Selected artists and their proposals are as follows (texts by Min-hyung Kang, Barim); 

Jung Eugene ジョン・ユジン


Covid-19 has created two significant shifts. One is that crossing the border is physically impossible, and the other is that Jung has to think about how mass-objects-3 dimensional sculptures can exist in the non-physical space. Asking both, Jung will research Yukimatsuri 2021, which will be online this year.

Yukimatsuri is an impossible festival to be held online since it deals with a massive amount of snow. In White Letters, the ironic idea of the mega-size and vanishing of snow will connect to Jung’s previous works. 



Ban Jaeha バン・ジェハ

artist’s website>>

 We don’t seem to notice much, but we are living in the cold war. Except we only notice it when we enter DMZ, access North Korean websites, and hear missile news. Sitting right next to North Korea, South Koreans are far-off more than anyone in the world. During the residency, Ban will try to measure the “distance” to North Korea. 

Moving and distance are the key concepts in White Letters, and Ban will research them with the idea that was never changed before and after the pandemic – it was just immobile from the beginning.




As these artists will not actually be staying at Tenjinyama Art Studio onsite, communication between them and the two residencies will be conducted thoroughly online. It’s expected to be quite a unique opportunity where we support their researches via online meetings, both closed and public – as a closed setting, regular meetings between Barim and Tenjinyama are scheduled, while as an open setting, Wednesday Sharing will perform its public duty. The latter, as explained, is open to anyone interested. Join us via Zoom if you feel like!

(Writing this is hard when you can’t help but dreaming about visiting Gwangju Biennale!)


