「手紙の中の世界」 -絵手紙お待ちしています-

EventNews 2020年11月6日








①氏名とフリガナ ②住所 ③電話番号 ④メールアドレス ⑤作品の返却希望の有無 ⑥作品公開用の名前(ペンネーム、アーティスト名、活動名も可)



〒062-0932 札幌市豊平区平岸2条17丁目1番80号 さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ









We are holding a remote program “The world in letters” and waiting your fantasy letter. We don’t set a  particular genre, so you can write with any styles such as horror, fantasy, nonsense, SF, a dream of last night, etc. We don’t set a particular format, so you can use any format such as post card, poster, book, . We are going to exhibit the letters from 2020 December 24 until 2021 January 17 at the exhibition space and Website of the program. We are waiting letters from you drifting!

How to send letters:

Please send your letter directly to Tenjinyama art studio. Please write these informations on another paper.

1. Name 2. Address 3. Phone number 4. E-mail address. 5. Hope to return the letter/not. 6. Name for publishing (pen name, artist name, etc)

Our address is below.

1-80, 2-17 Hiragishi, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo, 062-0932 (located within Tenjinyama Park)

If you wanted to return the letter, we will send back to you in February.

With an artist Seiji Honda we made creation guide book for kids participant. You can see from this link ( Japanese only)
