The result of selection : INTERNATIONAL OPEN CALL AIR Program 2022-2023_The roads stretch on the snow 雪のうえにのびる道_選考結果発表
We are pleased to announce the result of the selection from 94 applications.
● Alexandre Kato – Soshi Matsunobe
Alexandre Kato and Matsunobe Soshi
● Vindur
Alana Gregory and Elica Masuya
We, the selection committee will announce the result and comments on the web by September 10th. Please visit Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio website again for details and these 2 collectives’ projects. Thanks.
Mami Odai, AIR Director of Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio
◼︎Application Guidelines
This AIR program aims to support art collectives/groups creating and exhibiting new artworks/projects taking Sapporo/ Hokkaido as a starting point for various types of research; for example, learning folk knowledge, field research or engaging with local people.
Through the AIR program, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio also hopes to build an international network of future projects and program partners.
◼︎ AIR 2022 – 2023 for artists <Please read from here>
◼︎List of Artist in Residence@Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio
◼︎program theme
The roads stretch on the snow.
Sapporo is a snowy city. When it snows, boundary lines that had been previously visible, disappear. After the snow, the sidewalk I walk on is covered in white, and mysterious lines appear that may be a shortcut made by someone or a detour taken while searching for something. The paths on the snow seem randomly drawn but they actually hold an anonymous logic like that of a rambling curiosity – as if artists left the signs of their research in a certain place.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we realized the power of natural, social, and historical boundaries as well as national and regional borders drawn by governments. In particular, social boundaries arose that led people to have less dealings with strangers. 2022 is the third year since the outbreak of the pandemic and I would like to blur the divisions and divides that inevitably happened to all of us, using artists’ overwhelming power of curiosity – like snow that falls and obliterates all boundaries.
Artistic research, local communities and the creative activities of artists moving to a certain place for a certain period of time shall leave these footprints. Even if we fail again this year, the snow will still return when winter comes again.
◼︎ Number to be accepted
Two collectives/groups of artists who are mainly active in the art field
* Art collective/group must consist of foreign artists based overseas and Japanese artists
◼︎ Program schedule
1) Application period
June 01, 2022 (Wednesday) to August 08, 2022 (Monday)
2) Announcement of the result
August 31, 2022 (Wednesday)
3) Residence period
From October 12, 2022 (Wednesday) to November 30, 2022 (Wednesday)
* Artist talk is held in October and the exhibition plan is announced at the end of November
* The exhibition period is not included in the residence period.
4) Exhibition: the result presentation of the AIR program
Scheduled to be held at Sapporo Cultural Arts Community Center/ SCARTS in January 2023
◼︎ Eligibility
Applicant must:
1) Be a collective/group that includes both of the following
- Artists who have nationalities other than Japanese and live outside Japan
- Japanese artists
* Up to 3 people can stay at SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO during the same period.
* We welcome applications from temporary collectives/groups that have been specifically created for this open call.
2) Be able to communicate in either English or Japanese with staff, fellow artists and the local community.
3) Be able to concentrate on their research and the program activities for the full period of 50 days.
4) Be able to plan an exhibition for a month after the AIR period.
5) Be able to understand and follow the aim of the International open call AIR program and proceed with their autonomous activities during their stay.
6) Be able to record their own activities during their stay.
7) There are no restrictions on age or gender. When applicants are students, postgraduate level is required.
◼Contents to be submitted
* Please submit through an online application form.
1) Personal information from two artists in the collective (one must be from an artist whose nationality is not Japanese and who lives outside Japan, the other must be a Japanese.
2) An introduction/short profile of the collective/group that also includes all the members names and individual artistic activities. (cv, portfolio and website URL)
3) Proposal plan of research/project in Hokkaido and Sapporo during your stay
・ Motivation for participating in this program
・ Outline of research and production activities
・ Methods to record/share the activity
◼Provided for the artists
1) Letter of invitation from Sapporo city
2) Travel guidance for non-Japanese artists who live outside Japan
3) Up to 250,000 yen budget for travel costs from overseas (only for non-Japanese artists who live outside Japan) per collective/group
4) Up to 100,000 yen budget for travel costs from Japan (only for Japanese artists) per collective/group
5) 500,000 yen budget for living expenses during the program period per collective/group
6) 200,000 budget for production and research activities (various expenses such as materials and transportation) per collective/group
7) Budget to hold the exhibition * It isn’t provided directly to the collective/group, but will be managed by the organizers.
8) Interactive coaching from the selection committee
9) Coordinating work including interpretation and translation during the program period
10) Technical assistant for realizing the exhibition
11) Specialized advice to manage one’s own physical and mental health and prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection
◼︎Place of activity
Selected artists must:
1) Be able to cooperate for the program and the public relations during the program period.
2) Be able to cooperate for the research archive during the period.
3) Be able to participate in events in the local communities such as exchange programs and artist talks.
4) Present their result as an exhibition in about a month’s time after the AIR period.
5) Manage one’s own physical and mental health and prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection.
◼︎ Note
1) Any expenses exceeding the support must be covered by the art collective/group.
2) Artists from countries which have not entered into a tax treaty with Japan, or a country with which Japan has concluded the tax treaty but where income is taxable, may be liable for income tax on the sum provided to support their activities and transportation.
3) There is no limit to the number of people in the collective/group. However the amount of support is only provided per collective/group. Please be aware that a maximum of 3 people can stay at SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO at any one time.
4) Artists are responsible for any unforeseen circumstances such as accidents or illnesses during their stay. We strongly advise taking travel insurance.
5) The content of the project may change due to unforeseen circumstances such as an escalation of the coronavirus infections, natural disasters and so on.
【Application outline】
◼How to apply
Please complete the following online application forms.
You will be asked to upload additional data (portfolio, etc) there.
After completing the online application process, applicants will receive an automatic response confirming reception of the application. If you do not receive this, please contact us.
Online form “Click here!”
Important points
- Applications which arrive after the deadline will not be accepted.
- The selection panel is not obliged to take into consideration any application materials which are damaged or illegible.
- Submitted data will not be returned.
- Deadline for application: August 08, 2022 (Monday) closed at 23:59 Japan standard time
◼︎ Selection
SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO Open Call Selection Committee selects the art collectives/groups based on the application forms and the portfolios received. During the selection process, interviews may be conducted online.
All applicants will be notified of the decision by August 31, 2022 (Wednesday) before 23:59 Japan standard time.
◼︎The selection committee
In the international Open Call AIR program 2022, the selection committee consists of two internationally recognized artists, the Technical Director of SCARTS and the director of SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO, who will carefully evaluate applicants and select the 2 art collectives/groups.
TEL: +81-11-820-2140 (Tue~Sun)10:00-20:00 (Japan standard time)
Email: application[AT]
◼︎Hosted by: Sapporo City, SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO / AIS Planning ◼︎Supported by: Agency for Cultural Affairs – Program to Create International Base for the Promotion of Arts and Culture (Support for Artists in Residence) in 2022 ◼︎Special Thanks to Sapporo Cultural Arts Community Center/ SCARTS◼︎Program Planning and Direction: Mami Odai (SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO AIR Director)
● Alexandre Kato – Soshi Matsunobe
Alexandre Kato and 松延 総司
● Vindur
Alana Gregory and 升谷 絵里香
さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ 小田井真美( AIRディレクター)
さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ 国際公募AIRプログラム 2022-2023 募集要項
◇2014-2020年度 公募プログラム招聘アーティスト・活動記録集アーカイブ
◇展覧会会場 SCARTSコートの詳細、図面はこちらのウエブサイトからご覧ください。
- 日本以外の国籍を有し、かつ日本国以外に在住しているアーティスト
- 日本のアーティスト
1) 応募代表者(日本以外の国籍を有し、かつ日本国以外に在住しているアーティスト、日本のアーティスト、それぞれ1名分)の個人情報
2) アートコレクティブの構成人数・メンバー名を含む活動概要(紹介文)及び、構成するメンバー個別の活動概要・記録(CV及びポートフォリオ、または活動がわかるウエブサイトURL)
3) 北海道、札幌で取り組むリサーチ、プロジェクトなど滞在中の活動について
1) 札幌市からの招聘状
2) 日本以外の国籍を有し、かつ日本国以外に在住しているアーティストの来日手続き補助
3) 日本以外の国籍を有し、かつ日本国以外に在住しているアーティストの日本までの往復渡航経費補助 1組につき上限250,000円
4) 日本のアーティストの国内移動経費補助 1組につき上限100,000円
5) プログラム期間の滞在費 1組につき500,000円
6) 創作活動費(交通費や材料費)1組につき200,000円
7) 展覧会開催のための企画・開催予算*アーティストへの支給ではなく、運営者が管理します。
8) 選考委員からの対話型コーチング
9) プログラム期間中における、通訳・翻訳を含むコーディネート
10) 展覧会開催のためのテクニカルアシスタント
11) 自身の心身の健康管理、新型コロナウィルス感染拡大予防のためのアドバイス
◇展覧会会場 SCARTSコートの詳細、図面はこちらのウエブサイトからご覧ください。
1) プログラム期間中の事業及び施設広報への協力
2) プログラム期間中の記録・アーカイブ活動への協力
3) プログラム期間中にアーティスト・トークなど地域・コミュニティとの交流プログラムに参加
4) AIR期間を経て、約一ヶ月後に開催する展覧会の構築
5) 自身の心身の健康管理を行い、新型コロナウィルス感染拡大予防につとめること
1) 支給する補助金額を超えて係る経費は招聘者自身の負担となります。
2) 日本と租税条約を締結していない国、または締結していても課税対象となる国から招聘された 場合、旅費・活動費・交通費補助の支給額より規定の所得税が徴収される場合があります。
3) アートコレクティブを構成する人数に制限はありません。ただし、支給される補助金は1組分に限ります。また、さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオに滞在可能な人数は1組につき同時期最大3名までです。
4) 滞在期間中の事故・病気など、不測の事態が起こった場合、参加者の責任によるものとします。必ず旅行保険等にご加入ください。
- 締切を過ぎた書類はいかなる理由でも受けつけられません。
- 提出書類及び資料に不備があったものは選考対象外となる場合があります。
- 提出いただいたデータの返却はいたしません。
- 応募締切:2022年08月08(月) 日本時間23:59まで
さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ 国際公募AIRプログラム担当
TEL:011-820-2140 (火~日)10:00-20:00
協力:札幌文化芸術交流センター SCARTS(札幌市芸術文化財団)、ほか
プログラム企画・ディレクション:小田井 真美(さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ AIRディレクター)