Exhibition Maki Morita/森田 真希 _CHORUS / コーラス

ArtistEvent 2024年8月18日


■ Maki Morita/森田 真希

■ 会期:2024年8月18日(日)-24日(土)9:00-21:00

★8月21日(水)19:00~ 上映イベント

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会について





At the start of my residency at Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, I invited both the local community and my online networks to submit a message to their grandmother—particularly something they have found difficult to say or regret not saying earlier. From my experience, things are often left unsaid between family members for a multitude of reasons. By the end of the submission period, I received 32 letters in Japanese and English, with the majority of participants based in Japan and Australia. 


I started this project as a means to investigate familial ties and sentiments within our globalised and career-oriented societies, where we are rapidly moving away from traditional understandings of ‘family’—whether that be for better or for worse. I’m interested in the nature of our relationships across generations, and what lineage means to us (or doesn’t mean to us) in a world where the structure of the family unit is rapidly evolving. 


As a means of responding to the letters received, I created a short film in collaboration with local grandmothers, artists, and various staff members at Tenjinyama. While these letters will never reach their actual recipients, they are given voice in this short film by a ‘chorus’ of grandmothers. They are also placed in the hands of an unreliable artist/traveller in Sapporo (i.e. me). 


By lending an ear to these previously unspoken words, perhaps we can better understand the nature of our intergenerational relationships, which encompasses such a wide range of age, culture, language, and experience. 

■ アーティストについて

Maki Morita/森田 真希(美術):活動拠点 オーストラリア


