南海トラフ地震への警戒の高まりを踏まえて On Rising Concern of Nankai Trough Earthquake

News 2024年8月17日



[English follows Japanese]


















  • 内閣府防災(Desaster Management, Cabinet Office)-南海トラフについて(The Nankai Trough Earthquake)


  • NHK WEB―災害の備え 災害 その時どうする 一覧



  • 政府 地震調査推進本部




Following the 7.1 earthquake in Miyazaki on August 8, 2024, the Japanese authorities issued a warning of the potential risk of the Nankai Trough Earthquake within the next 7 days.

After a major earthquake, transportation, airports, etc. are expected to be disrupted for about a month.

In particular, there are many international flights to and from Narita and Haneda.

Please check evacuation routes, contact your embassies, and make sure you are prepared in case of emergency.


Hokkaido is not unaffected, and there is a possibility that the Japan Trench and the Chishima-Kaihatsu earthquake may occur.

In Tenjinyama Art Studio is a high possibility that electricity, water, internet, and other communications will be disrupted.  


We, the staff of the Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, are well prepared and simulate disasters, but we are more anxious than usual because we do not know when and what kind of social condition we will be in.

Each and every one of us should make sure that we are well prepared for this high risk of a huge earthquake warning and seismic activity. This is because in the event of a huge earthquake, it will be difficult for the fire brigade and rescue teams to come to your aid.

If you feel strongly threatened by the very high risk of a major earthquake in Japan, we recommend that you take it easy and change your plans, such as giving up your stay in Japan or postponing your entry to Japan.


It may feel heavy, but please take a look at the video by the Cabinet office and other useful resources below.

Please let us know if you would like to change your schedule.


– Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio


  • 内閣府防災(Desaster Management, Cabinet Office)-南海トラフについて(The Nankai Trough Earthquake)


  • NHK WEB―災害の備え 災害 その時どうする 一覧



  • Cabinet Office – Helpful Apps and websites in the Event of Disaster



  • Cabinet Office – Helpful Apps and websites in the Event of Disaster in 14 languages.



  • The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (A governmental organization) – Homepage
