Exhibition ジェフ チャン/Jeff Chan_もう一度泳ぎを学ぶ/Learning to Swim Again

ArtistEvent 2024年9月11日

■タイトル:もう一度泳ぎを学ぶ/Learning to Swim Again

■ジェフ チャン/Jeff Chan

■ 会期:2024年9月18日(水)-9月22日(日)9:00-21:00

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会について







Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you moved to the other side of the world? Who would you meet? How would you adapt? What adventures would await you? I have spent the last year working in Tokyo and answering these questions. This exhibition is a culmination of works produced during my time in Tokyo as well as here at Tenjinyama Art Studio. 

On my first day in the country, at our orientation, there was a lady who delivered a speech on her life living away from home where no one knew you, and you do not speak the same language. She spoke about finding ways to connect with yourself to really become the person you were again prior to moving there. She described the process as being like a goldfish, jumping from one tank and into another, and learning how to swim again. She was right. 

As time went on, I started to continue the work that I was making before leaving Canada, but with influences from my new surroundings. I was learning how to swim again. The resulting works in this exhibition are a mix of memories from home, as well as new, recently discovered items that I found happiness in. 

While my time in Japan is coming to a close, I am happy to say that I met the people I was meant to meet, and I went on those adventures. I answered my questions. Thank you to everyone who was a part of the journey.

■ アーティストについて

Jeff Chan/ジェフ チャン(美術):活動拠点 日本
