受付終了/ Closed 国際公募AIRプログラム応募開始!OPEN CALL for Artists and Proposals

News 2024年8月31日



International Open Call AIR Program 2024-2025 “We are floating”


■ We are floating 

Sapporo is a city of snow.
Since its opening in May 2014, the Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio has held an open-call artist-in-residence program on the theme of Sapporo’s winter and snow almost every year. Through the past 10 AIR programs, many artists have spent time together in the climate of this place that deeply enriches our lives and culture in Sapporo and Hokkaido, and have experienced, albeit temporarily, living with winter and snow just as we do in Sapporo.

In the case of the open call AIR program, there are other artists who have chosen to participate in Self-funded AIR program and are staying in the same building. Therefore, the artists in the open call AIR program are not alone, however, they have been working in solitude toward their each goals of reporting the results of the program in which they are participating.

The 10th Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio Open Call program is that the project plan must be based on a collaboration with an individual or a group living in Sapporo. Applicants are asked to imagine an unknown, ideal collaborator and send us an application with “what you would like to do or try to do in Sapporo, Hokkaido.”

In Fall, 2024, an online meeting will be held with the selected artists, and by the start of the program in January 2025, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio will find a collaborator and work with that person/group to launch a project based on the winter living in Sapporo.

Would it be somewhat daunting for you? Or would it be exciting?

“I feel like I’m floating on the snow all the time.” This is what one of the artists in Sapporo said. What he meant was that in Sapporo, the snow on the ground stays during the winter and is always under our feet. We walk on a surface that is at least 30-40 centimeters higher than the ground when there is no snow, maybe even one meter higher. An artist from the Middle East described this state of affairs as “like a town under water. She then created an animated film of a ship sailing gracefully on the snow. I felt that these artists’ perspectives gave a different kind of freedom to the city, to snow, and to those of us who live with snow. We are always floating and can go anywhere. It is an exhilarating feeling as if we are holding a vehicle of the future in our hands.

Yes, in Sapporo, we are physically suspended during the winter. This feeling, which we are forced to capture even if we do not want to capture it now, may be the joy of being on the snow and the freedom of a certain buoyancy we have gained because of the snow, but at the same time, it may also symbolize the state of our hearts and minds in our time, a state of uneasiness that may lead to instability in the future. Are we just going to land here? And that’s why now, do we stay afloat and try to get a handle on our lives?

What will the artist and someone living in Sapporo do this winter on the snow underfoot in this era?
Keywords: “life,” “collaboration,” “Sapporo/Hokkaido,” “winter,” “snow,” “future”.
We are looking forward to receiving your proposals with free buoyancy!


■ Schedule

Program period (60 days): Tuesday, January 7, 2025 – Friday, March 7, 2025

– Artist Talk (sharing the progress of the project): Saturday, February 8, 2025

– Debriefing on the results of each project: early March 2025


︎Place of activity


– Artist talk event scheduled for Friday, February 8 at SCARTS in Sapporo, Hokkaido, JAPAN


■ Organizer

City of Sapporo, Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio


︎ Number to be accepted

Two artists/groups in total

– Artists based outside Japan

– Artists based in Japan or Sapporo City who has experience working overseas.

* Up to 3 people can stay at SAPPORO TENJINYAMA ART STUDIO during the same period.


︎ Eligibility

Applicant must:

1) There are no restrictions on age or gender. When applicants are students, postgraduate level is required.

2) Be able to concentrate on their research and the program activities for the full period of 60 days.

3) Be able to propose a project or activity plan to be carried out during their stay in Sapporo, based on the premise of collaboration with people, groups or organizations living in Sapporo.

4) Be able to record their own activities during their stay.

5) Be able to participate in meetings and artist talks related to the program as planned by the organizer during the program

6) Be able to participate in social gatherings and events held at the Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio during the program period.

7) Be able to communicate with program staff, other artists in Sappporo Tenjinyama Art Studio at the same time, and the local community.

8) Other, Artists who can abide by the organizer’s regulations and the terms and conditions of use of the facility.


Contents to be submitted

* Please submit through an online application form

1) Personal information

2) Records of past activities (CV and portfolio)

3) Project proposal

4) Copy of identification


Provided for the artists

1) Letter of invitation from Sapporo city

2) Free use of an apartment studio in the Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio

3) Up to 150,000 JPY budget for travel costs from overseas, and up to 50,000 JPY budget for travel costs from Japan

4) 240,000 JPY budget for living expenses during the program period per artist/group

5) 100,000 JPY budget for production and research activities (various expenses such as materials and transportation) per artist/group

6) Sapporo collaborators of each project will receive a separate subsidy for participation in the project (100,000 JPY/person/group)

7) Interactive coaching from the selection committee

8) Coordinating work including interpretation and translation during the program period

9) Specialized advice to manage one’s own physical and mental health and prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection



Selected artists must:

1) Be able to cooperate for the program and the public relations during the program period.

2) Cooperation in recording and archiving activities during the residency

3) Report on the results of the residency (artist talk, etc.) at the end of the residency period

4) Manage one’s own physical and mental health and prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection.


■ How to apply

Enter information from the “Online Form for Application” below. The online form will ask you to upload some data, such as your passport and other forms of identification and activity documents (portfolio and other past activity documents).
After submitting your application data, you will automatically receive a confirmation email from the online form app. If this auto-reply email is not received by the applicant, please contact to Tenjinyama Art Studio. Email: application[at]tenjinyamastudio.jp

■ Application deadline: Saturday, August 31, 2024, 23:59 ← CLOSED


■ Selection Screening

The selection committee will consist of three members: the Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Midori Mitamura and Takayuki Yamamoto,  internationally acclaimed artists who are experienced in working with others on projects and their processes. The invited artists will be selected through discussions by this selection committee.

– Online interviews may be conducted with finalists depending on the status of the selection process.
– The results of the screening will be announced on the official website by Friday, September 20, 2024. Applicants are requested to confirm the results of the selection screening by themselves.


■ Notes
– The copyright of the projects created during the program belongs to the artists and the Sapporo collaborators.

– The Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, together with the artists and the Sapporo collaborators, reserve the right to keep and use them as a record of the program, for the documentation of the process and the results.

– The cost of any expenses in excess of the subsidy amount to be provided shall be borne by the inviting party itself.

– Documents received after the deadline will not be accepted for any reason.

– Incomplete documents and materials may not be considered for selection.

– Submitted data will not be returned.

– Participants are responsible for any accidents, illnesses, or other unforeseen circumstances that may occur during their stay. Please be sure to purchase travel insurance.


■ For inquiries, please contact


Inquiry form
















■ スケジュール


アーティスト・トーク(プロジェクトの進捗共有): 202528日(土)



■ 滞在・制作活動拠点


062-0932 札幌市豊平区平岸217丁目180号(天神山緑地内)



■ 主催




募集人数 2人(組)



■ 応募条件









8) その他、主催者の規定、施設の利用規約を守ること


■ 応募に際し提出する内容






■ 招聘アーティストへ提供する内容



3)招聘アーティストの活動拠点からさっぽろ天神山アートスタジオまでの往復渡航交通費の補助 国内 上限50,000円、国外上限150,000

4)60日間分の滞在費 240,000

5)リサーチ、制作材料費実費 上限100,000




) 自身の心身の健康管理、新型コロナウィルス感染拡大予防のためのアドバイス


■ 招聘アーティストの義務






■ 応募方法





■ 応募締切:2024831() 23:59まで ←受付終了

■ 選考審査について






■ 注意事項









■ 問い合わせ先

TEL: 011-820-2140 (さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ内:プログラム担当者
