Exhibition _Traveling the world – Two arts become as one mind – Discovering Japan_ふたりのアーティストによる展覧会

ArtistEvent 2024年8月28日


■タイトル:(英語俳句の直訳/ ”世界旅行 ふたつがひとつ 日本発見”)

Traveling the world 

Two arts become as one mind 

Discovering Japan

■ ベティ ハスキン/Betty Haskin、ウィリアム・ネヴィル/William Neville 

■ 会期:2024年8月30日(金)-9月4日(水)9:00-21:00

★8月30日(金)19:00~21:00 オープニングイベント

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース、及び1階「和室」

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会について


I have always considered painting & book making as different disciplines both in my art practice and in my studio where I must physically separate them because the processes are so different. One is incredibly messy and the other precise and immaculate.
My project here grew out of a desire to merge my long history of making paintings — essentially mark-making — with the discipline of book-binding. It developed from the idea that I might create content for my books from my own paintings.

Here then is the freedom and looseness of painting combined with the problem-solving challenge of book-binding. It is the accomplishment of melding two separate disciplines of my work into form. This work for me has been a very satisfying and enjoyable process. I am extremely grateful to Tenjinyama for the time and opportunity to create this work.

Betty Haskin










In my application for this 8 week residency, I suggested that I would look to the traditional art of Kakejiku, the Japanese Hanging Scroll, as a focal point of my residency. I had hoped to set up a learning curve for myself and for my artistic practice. I would make this art my own, by learning the process of this somewhat involved traditional art of Japan.

Kakejiku involves a number of specific disciplines. Creating an image on paper as the focal point of the scroll. Mounting the image and framing it through the process of collaging different materials, paper and/or fabrics, creating the presentation of the image or message. Making the mechanism with which to hang the scroll in the Tokonoma.

I researched the process by watching videos of Japanese curators who were employed by prestigious institutions to repair ancient scrolls. Early on I realized that this process would be too involved to do without the correct tools in a studio with enough space to accomplish the necessary task in the correct order. And then I began making scrolls, in all 17 of them, prior to arriving here at Tenjinyama Studios.

In my scrolls I used paintings or photography of my own making, with influences from past travel, or the environment I live in. It became my intention to spend my time in situ creating images for new scrolls, through my experiences here in Sapporo; through my Japanese experiences. Those images and those scrolls are the subject of this exhibit.

William Neville 


■ アーティストについて




I have always considered painting & book making as different disciplines in my studio and in my art practice. In preparation for this residency at Tenjinyama I did several things. I filled a sketchbook with a great variety of mark-making on paper. I experimented with different implements, and a variety of media. I also began making marks, that is “painting,” with ink and brush on very long strips of heavy Chinese paper. During this discovery phase I realized that I could paint on both sides of the paper. This suggested “book” to me and I began to experiment with a book structure, that is a method of binding, in which I could utilize these paintings. I decided on binding called a piano hinge that requires a stiff vertical spine & realized that the spine could be made of chopsticks. This delighted me as I looked forward to our time in Japan. While still in my home studio I created several prototypes; two of these are in this exhibition. This process was a great catalyst for my residency work. 

 Since arriving I have created several books using a more atypical long format, both vertical & horizontal, pushing the boundaries of what is usually thought of as a book. I recognized that both vertical and horizontal formats require a simple structure for support, one a tower & the other a cradle. I have collaborated with with my husband, Bill Neville, a highly accomplished woodworker & furniture maker to create the perfect supports the books need. This collaboration was spontaneous but not unusual in our relationship. I am deeply grateful to him for this help. I cherish the creative time we have had here together.

Betty Haskin/ベティ ハスキン(美術):活動拠点 アメリカ

Artist:Paintings + Drawings + Handmade Books


William Neville/ウィリアム ネビル(美術):活動拠点 アメリカ

Furniture Maker in Chapel Hill, NC – Caseworks Art
