Exhibition_アーロン・オシア/ Aaron Ossia_来た、見た、死んだ / Veni, Vidi, Mori – (I came, I saw, I died)

Event 2024年6月8日

■ アーロン・オシア/ Aaron Ossia

■ 会期:2024年6月15日(土)-18日(火)9:00-21:00 

★ 6/15(土)14:00〜(約1時間半)アーティスト自身によるパフォーマンスを実施します。このパフォーマンスの痕跡や記憶が、インスタレーションとして展示公開されます。

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 展示スペース

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会「来た、見た、死んだ / Veni, Vidi, Mori – (I came, I saw, I died)」について






“I came, I saw I died / 来た、見た、死んだ”

This performance is a final act of a trio of works I have created during my 3 residencies in
Japan, and it completes the work that started in 2022 in Matsudo, Chiba.

I came, I saw, I walked (2022, Matsudo)
I came, I saw, I cried (2023, Itoshima)
I came, I saw, I died (2024, Sapporo)

The performance and installation piece following it, explore the underlying connection between the artist and Japan’s cultural and natural landscape, as a way of recording emotions and coming to term. Undergoing physically intense labour and using materials found on site, symbolise a ritualistic re-enactment of distress, nevertheless with an undertone of content and happiness to it. The laborious task of digging, unearthing and re-burying, are gestures of futile actions that do not change anything, yet leave a strong trace of the artist’s action behind.

I will start with a performance on Friday 14th, which involves actions outside and inside of
Tenjinyama. During this performance I will carry earth/soil from outside to the inside of the studio, create a vessel inside the studio and activate materials and movements as I create this performance.
The performance re-enacts notions of futility, void, physical trauma and a desire to evoke long supressed emotions.

■ アーティストについて

Aaron Ossiaアーロン・オシア(美術):活動拠点 イギリス、ドイツ、イタリア

