Exhibition 宙宙/ChuChu_うつろう景色/Flowing Landscape

ArtistEvent 2024年9月11日

■タイトル:うつろう景色/Flowing Landscape

■ 宙宙/ChuChu

■ 会期:2024年9月14日(土)-9月16日(月・祝)9:00-21:00

■ 会場:天神山アートスタジオ 1階 

■ 入場・参加無料

■ 展覧会について


Last September, my research on the natural environment of Hokkaido from the base of Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio led me to move to Hokkaido this spring. I now live in a small hot spring town within Akan-Mashu National Park and take walks in the primordial forest every morning. Living in this tranquil nature seems to be bringing gradual and significant changes to myself.
Since I am staying at the same time of year as last year, I am revisiting the changes in the places I researched previously. Using the found objects collected during this process and materials from Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, I will create an exhibition space that incorporates elements of chance, much like vines that entwine with the surrounding environment and stretch toward the sun. I hope to discover what forms will emerge from this process.

■ アーティストについて


Focusing on water, Chuchu conducts research on natural environments such as topography and geology. By combining elements encountered during this process with those present in the exhibition space, Chuchu creates site-specific installations that seem to emerge from everyday life. ‘Chuchu’ refers to everything involved in the creation of artwork, centered around Asami Kaburagi, transcending individual boundaries.

宙宙 /Chu Chu(美術):活動拠点 日本
