オープンスタジオ_制作風景を公開!滞在アーティスト鈴木悠哉_2021.12.07-2022.01.15 / Open Studio : Yuya Suzuki
>Bethanien(ベルリンのアーティスト・イン・レジデンス)による鈴木さんの紹介ページはこちら ◇日時:2021年12月7日(火)-2022年1月15日(土)10:00-20:00
◇会場:さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ1階 交流スタジオA 入場無料
さっぽろ天神山アートスタジオ TEL 011-820-2140 Email info@tenjinyamastudio.jp
◇アーティスト・プロフィール / Artist Profile
Yuya Suzuki
Born in 1983, Fukushima, lives and works in Berlin and Sapporo, Japan. He received a lot of awards including the Agency for Cultural Affair’s Arts Internship scholarship. Yuya Suzuki uniquely extract symbolic images from fragments of cityscapes, and create his own world using various media, such as, drawing, painting, video, sound and sculpting.
Open Studio : Yuya Suzuki
Yuya Suzuki is now doing an open studio at the Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio from Nov 27th, 2021 to Jan 15th, 2022.
Open Studio is an event that brings public audiences closer to the creative process, perspectives, and connecting them to artists. It is an opportunity to see the most recent works by artists at the site and to gain insight into their process of creation. (* When the artist is not available, the facility staff will guide you on behalf of the artist. Please contact to the office.)
During the Open Studio, Yuya Suzuki is creating sculptures and drawings for a solo exhibition “Intermediate,” which is scheduled to start at a gallery in Sapporo from the middle of January, 2022.
2021 「Post Language Realm」クンストラーハウス・ベタニエン (ベルリン)
2020 「archegraph study_Berlin」Migrant Bird Space (ベルリン)
2019 「Phantoms Agora」蕭壠児童美術館, (台南)
2019 「New Excavation」木木藝術(台南)
2019 「Futuristic Allegory」Migrant Bird Space (北京)
2018 「City under the water」Center for Contemporary Art (崑山市)
2018 「archegraph study_Tainan」絶対空間 (台南)
2017 「Remaking Ghosts」蕭壠文化園區(台南)
2017 「archegraph stdy_Seoul」salon cojica(札幌)
2016 「walk and cultivation」CAI02, salon cojica (札幌)
2021 「東京特快」AN+Art & Design Center (深圳)
2020 「Unnamed Reality」在地文化 (広州)
2019 「さっぽろアートステージ2019」SCARTS(札幌)
2019 「BENIZAKURA ARTANNUAL 2019」紅桜公園 (札幌)
2019 「接ぎ木展」なえぼのアートスタジオ, Art space + Café Barrack (札幌/ 瀬戸)
2016 「アッセンブリッジナゴヤ2016」名港地区 (名古屋)
2014 「Becaming Undone」 Kleiner salon (ベルリン)
2013 「Jeune creation 2013」 サンキャトル (パリ)
2012 「The last one before the break」Duende (ロッテルダム)