Who they are…_2 art collectives for INTERNATIONAL OPEN CALL AIR Program 2022-2023

ArtistNews 2022年9月15日

◇About Ourselves

2022年春、フランスのマルセイユで出会いました。松延総司は、日本のアーティストです。滋賀に在住し、主にインスタレーションや彫刻を制作しています。Alexandre Katoはマルセイユ在住のフランス人アーティストです。彼のメディアは主にインスタレーションと執筆です。この最初の出会いと、日本人であること(Soshi)と日系フランス人であること(Alexandre)の文化的ギャップについての交流から、私たちは一緒にプロジェクトを提案することを希望しています。

We met in Marseille, France, in spring 2022. Soshi Matsunobe is a Japanese artist (http://matsunobe.net). He lives in Shiga and works mainly with installation and sculpture. Alexandre Kato is a French artist living in Marseille (http://www.alexandrekato.com). His mediums are mostly installation and writing. This first meeting and the exchanges on the cultural gap between being Japanese (Soshi) and being French from Japanese descent (Alexandre) gives us the desire to propose a project together.
Matsunobe’s work is about the “ground” in terms of figures and grounds and represents an abstract concept outside our consciousness in our daily lives. For the residency project, the ground can be seen as the origin of where things grow. Kato’s work focuses on the links between exoticism, gardening, and Japonism in Western culture, and seeks to highlight and deconstruct the issues of European domination in its relationship to the Other.
This application is formed for this open call, and if we do not have (yet) common artistic activities, we detect in each other many similarities in the way of thinking objects, the reproducible or the series, link between art and industriallisation, and in the influence of the Japanese garden, and in particular “karesansui”.

◇What we are trying to do


The landscape and metaphorical aspect of the theme “The roads stretch on the snow” makes us want to interpret it through the garden space. Just like the “snow that falls and obliterates all boundaries”, some gardens offer crossings through space and time. Hokkaido Botanical Garden for example, shows the original landscape of Sapporo before the urban development. It also contains 4000 alpine climate species, a climate named after the Alps, a partially French mountain chain. In Marseille, France, the Japanese garden of Borely Park is a spatial leap. Composed mainly of Japanese plants, it can be seen as a spacial hole towards the Japanese archipelago.
Plants inform us about human migratory movements: they have sometimes been moved during periods of domination, colonization, they can symbolize exchanges or cooperation. They have a strong social and political history. Their names also tell these stories. For example, when Philipp Franz von Siebold brought back in 1830 a Hydrangea from his stay in Japan, he named it Otaksa, as a memory of the (distorted) name of his lover O-Taku-san.
Our duo and the project of this residency are partly based on these migrations. Whether they highlight strong cultural differences or sometimes convergence points, notably in the case of diasporas, it seems important to us to cross these conceptions within the same space in order to reveal mechanisms and create hybrid spaces. It is this hybridity that places Isamu Noguchi, and notably Moerenuma Park, as a possible example and an essential figure for thinking about these spaces.
During this residency, we want to work on experimental gardens. These can take the form of outdoor gardens, in a wasteland, according to the possibilities in the surroundings, or evoke it by using codes of arrangement, of circulation, of seasonality… They would be built from elements collected, harvested, bought or manufactured. The term garden refers here more to an assembly, a composition, patterns, or a metaphor, than to a vegetal environment. We find a strong connection between the fact of arranging an exhibition and a garden, in the proposition of a coherent whole in which the various elements take place functionally and aesthetically. It is in this spirit that the exhibition will be planned.
Our productions will not necessarily be vegetal and will not need the same care as plants. However, thinking about gardens obliges us to consider the local features. What are the acclimatized species? How do people arrange their own gardens? How does the climate modify their structure? While doing a quick tour on google street view, we saw many wastelands where local plants should grow, saw yuki-tsuri, indicating a specific locality and climate. We want to take inspiration from the environment around us as part of the residency. Thus, our own acclimatization will actively determine our production.



◇About Ourselves

私たちは2020年,アイスランドのSIM Residency Icelandで出逢いました。

“Vindur” means wind in Icelandic.
We met at SIM Residency Iceland in 2020.
We spent three months in the same residence in Reykjavik and talked about many things.
And we created a piece called Noiseless.
We exhibited this work and performed Alana’s song at the same time.
Staying in a place close to nature, we can experience both the splendor and fear of nature at the same time, which is difficult to notice when living in the city. After the exhibition, this work was screened at a film festival in Iceland.
After Masuya returned to Japan, they kept in touch with each other and are currently working on a work called “whichway”.

◇What we are trying to do




During his stay in Hokkaido in 2021, Masuya acquired a deer skull and took it with his to the Notsuke Peninsula.
Under the title of Kiraushi Kamuy, she created a video work about the history and nature of the Notsuke Peninsula through Yezo deer.
During this stay, Masuya sent Alana a picture of the Yezo deer skull and the completed video.
Seeing that, Alana becomes even more interested in Japan.
Alana has never been to Japan before. However, I have been interested in Japanese food culture for some time, and in Iceland She have been researching how to collect seaweed from the sea, dry it, and eat it. At that time, She already said that wanted to go to Japan.
Alana is very interested in Hokkaido’s complicated and intricate history, including the Ainu, due to the respect she has created for video works based on her research on the indigenous people of Australia and Indonesia.

We are very interested in the relationship between nature and art, and the customs, culture and history rooted in the land.
Using the relationship between the Ainu and wild animals seen in literature as a starting point, Alana will create music and Masuya will create video.
Of course, we also perform together.

Masuya is very interested in what kind of impressions and discoveries Alana will have after coming to Japan.
This time, I would like to work on creat and exhibition with repeated discussions until the boundary between us.
We are really looking forward to what kind of work will be born when Masuya’s insider perspective and Alana’s outsider perspective are mixed.